Sunday, July 14, 2019

Trump Will Deny Immigrant Visas to Those Who Can’t Pay for Health Care

Trump Will Deny Immigrant Visas to Those Who Can’t Pay for Health Care

Trump Will Deny Immigrant Visas to Those Who Can’t Pay for Health Care

Visa applicants will have to prove they have insurance or the financial resources for medical 

Immigrants who enter this country should not further saddle our health care system, and subsequently American taxpayers, with higher costs,” President Trump wrote on Friday.
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration will deny visas to immigrants who cannot prove they will have health insurance or the ability to pay for medical costs once they become permanent residents of the United States, the White House announced Friday in the latest move by President Trump to undermine legal immigration. 
Mr. Trump issued a proclamation, effective Nov. 3, ordering consular officers to bar immigrants seeking to live in the United States unless they “will be covered by approved health insurance” or can prove that they have “the financial resources to pay for reasonably foreseeable medical costs.” 
Mr. Trump justified the move by saying that legal immigrants are three times as likely as United States citizens to lack health insurance, making them a burden on hospitals and taxpayers in the United States. They cited a Kaiser Family Foundation study that said that among the nonelderly population, 23 percent of legal immigrants were likely to be uninsured, compared with about 8 percent of American citizens.
“The United States government is making the problem worse by admitting thousands of aliens who have not demonstrated any ability to pay for their health care costs,” he wrote, adding, “immigrants who enter this country should not further saddle our health care system, and subsequently American taxpayers, with higher costs.”

In June 2019, there were 60,849 homeless people, including 14,589 homeless families with 21,295 homeless children, sleeping each night in the New York City municipal shelter system. Families make up nearly three-quarters of the homeless shelter population.

When we hear AMERICA FIRST!!!!!

New Yorkers entered the city's affordable housing lotteries 4,654,603 times last year. Only 7,857 "won" the right to an apartment with below-market rent.

City Relaxing Requirements for Undocumented to Enter Affordable Housing Lottery
By Michael Herzenberg New York City 
PUBLISHED 7:36 AM ET Aug. 21, 2019 UPDATED 9:44 PM ET Aug. 21, 2019

The de Blasio administration is easing requirements to enter the city's lotteries for affordable housing. With the changes, many more undocumented immigrants will be eligible to land one of the hard-to-get apartments, which are subsidized by city taxpayers.
Every adult member of a household needs to enter their Social Security number or tax ID number for a family to enter the affordable housing lottery. Now, you won't need either for any member of your family
This is being done to eliminate the need for a credit check and, according to the de Blasio administration, make entering the lottery more fair

Today President Trump said he is “seriously” considering issuing an executive order to end birthright citizenship for the children of illegal immigrants when speaking to reporters outside the White House.
Trump said it is “frankly ridiculous” that the United States affords citizenship to babies born to illegal immigrants. “We’re looking at that very seriously, birthright citizenship, where you have a baby on our land, you walk over the border, have a baby – congratulations, the baby is now a U.S. citizen” Trump exclaimed.

The issue of birthright citizenship has been a controversial issue for decades. Hundreds of thousands of women, particularly from countries in the Middle East and Mexico, take advantage of the birthright citizenship policy. These women come into the United States and obtain the minimal amount of legally required care under United States doctors so their children can be born here and have dual citizenship. In most cases, the families return to their country of origin immediately following birth.
Many investigations have been done showing women living in Mexico are receiving welfare checks from the United States because they had their “anchor babies” across the border and use a fake address in the U.S. to have their checks sent to. Friends or family members then get the money back to the single mothers who have returned to Mexico. Forbes released an article in 2016 citing the horrendous cost the policy has on our citizens.

Today President Trump said he is “seriously” considering issuing an executive order to end birthright citizenship for the children of illegal immigrants when speaking to reporters outside the White House.
Trump said it is “frankly ridiculous” that the United States affords citizenship to babies born to illegal immigrants. “We’re looking at that very seriously, birthright citizenship, where you have a baby on our land, you walk over the border, have a baby – congratulations, the baby is now a U.S. citizen” Trump exclaimed.

The issue of birthright citizenship has been a controversial issue for decades. Hundreds of thousands of women, particularly from countries in the Middle East and Mexico, take advantage of the birthright citizenship policy. These women come into the United States and obtain the minimal amount of legally required care under United States doctors so their children can be born here and have dual citizenship. In most cases, the families return to their country of origin immediately following birth.
Many investigations have been done showing women living in Mexico are receiving welfare checks from the United States because they had their “anchor babies” across the border and use a fake address in the U.S. to have their checks sent to. Friends or family members then get the money back to the single mothers who have returned to Mexico. Forbes released an article in 2016 citing the horrendous cost the policy has on our citizens.

Mexico stopped 43,000 migrants in 42 days, reducing US border crossings 36%

June deportations totaled 21,912, the highest monthly figure in seven months 

Freshman Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., was one of a number of Democrats to join Republican colleagues this week who called for the implementation of a pilot program that would work to quickly identify and deport migrants at the border who are judged not to have a valid asylum claim.

The costs cover added expenditures for education, welfare, law enforcement, and medical care. 
When federal costs are included, the price tag nationally soars to $135 billion a year. 


FAIR’s data also includes the offset of taxes paid by illegal immigrants, though the numbers are much lower. In the state and local column, they are $3.5 billion. 

Nationally they are $15 billion. 

Overall, costs associated with illegal immigrants is much higher for state and local governments than the federal government.  

States pay $89 billion, Uncle Sam $46 billion.


The states paying the most to care for illegals: 
1. California - $23,038,125,353 (BILLION)
    (2.2 Million  est ILLEGALS IN STATE)

2. Texas - $10,994,614,550 (BILLION)
    ( 1.6 million est. ILLEGALS IN STATE)

3. New York - $7,489,141,357 (BILLION)
    (725,000 est. ILLEGALS IN STATE)

4. Florida - $6,290,429,108 (BILLION)
    (775,000 est. ILLEGALS IN STATE)

5. New Jersey - $4,466,838,574 
6. Illinois - $3,220,767,517 
7. Georgia - $2,487,719,503 
8. North Carolina - $2,437,965,113 
9. Maryland - $2,378,996,947 
10. Arizona - $2,314,131,964

Since 1990 and arrive at a "conservative" estimate of 16.7 million illegal immigrants 

In 2016 and an average estimate of 22.1 million — 50 to 100 percent larger than other estimates.

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