Saturday, June 12, 2021

***MANDATORY COVID-19 VACCINATION - First dose of the vaccine no later than September 1, 2021***

***MANDATORY COVID-19 VACCINATION - First dose of the vaccine no later than September 1, 2021***


Subject: It’s Time for All NYP Employees to Be Vaccinated Against COVID-19

In light of this evidence, NewYork-Presbyterian will be requiring all employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19 or to obtain a valid exemption

We encourage all employees to become fully vaccinated as soon as possible, but everyone must have received their first dose of the vaccine no later than September 1, 2021

Dear Colleagues,


During the past year, we all witnessed the most severe global health crisis in a century. You worked tirelessly throughout this pandemic to bring our patients and communities through it. Now, thanks to the advent of effective COVID-19 vaccines, we can look forward with hope and relief for the first time in over a year. There is, however, one more important action we all must take: get vaccinated.


We care for sick people – some critically so – every day, and we are responsible for their safety while in our care. The stakes in this matter are high, and the evidence is clear that getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is the most important and responsible action we can take as NYP team members for the safety and well-being of our patients and visitors, our communities, and ourselves.


In light of this evidence, NewYork-Presbyterian will be requiring all employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19 or to obtain a valid exemption. This will be in addition to our existing vaccination requirements against influenza, measles, rubella, and varicella – all of which are already required to keep our patients and fellow workers safe. As a leading health care organization, we believe it is essential to require vaccinations to protect our patients and ourselves against the threat of further harm from the pandemic and the possibility of more dangerous mutations.


Since vaccinations against COVID-19 were introduced, more than 2.25 billion doses have been administered worldwide – including 300 million in the U.S. – and more than 50% of the eligible U.S population is fully vaccinated. The vaccines have proven to be safe and highly effective in preventing hospitalizations, death, and spread of the virus.


We encourage all employees to become fully vaccinated as soon as possible, but everyone must have received their first dose of the vaccine no later than September 1, 2021and, for two-dose vaccines, they must complete the vaccination process on the prescribed timeline. This applies to employees, physicians, students, clinical rotators, volunteers, and vendors. Newly hired employees will also be required to follow a vaccination or exemption process.


Vaccines are readily available at NYP Workforce Health & Safety (WHS) clinics, at the WCMC Belfer location and the CUIMC Black Building, as well as in your community and at local pharmacies. Click here for more information. If you receive vaccinations outside of NYP, you will need to email a copy of your CDC COVID-19 vaccination record card to


If you cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons, pregnancy, or for religious reasons, you must apply for an exemption by August 1. Further details on the process will follow. Exemption requests will be carefully evaluated and accommodated, if appropriate. Those who are granted exemptions will be tested frequently for COVID-19.

Please note that compliance − either by vaccination or exemption − will be required for your continued employment.  We want all of our team members to continue working with us, but we have to balance that with the imperative to protect our patients, employees, and communities.


We will continue to provide forums, educational materials, and other supportive resources to share information and answer your questions about the COVID-19 vaccines. We encourage you to review the Infonet vaccine FAQs, visit the CDC COVID-19 Vaccine website, and view the vaccine information videos provided by the Dalio Center for Health JusticeYou can also call the WHS COVID-19 hotline at 6466979470.


As a reminder, regardless of vaccination status, it is essential that we all continue to take necessary precautions, including masking, using appropriate PPE, and social distancing.


We thank you for complying with this new requirement and for doing everything possible to keep our patients, you and your families, colleagues, and community safe. Your work combatting COVID-19 has been outstanding. Every NYP team member has our sincere gratitude for your continued dedication to our patients and to one another.



Steven J. Corwin, M.D.

President & Chief Executive Officer

Laura L. Forese, M.D.

Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer