Monday, July 8, 2019

Thanks to President Trump, America's economy is thriving. Unfortunately, it isn't enough for thousands who have been left behind due to the opioid epidemic.

Thanks to President Trump, America's economy is thriving. Unfortunately, it isn't enough for thousands who have been left behind due to the opioid epidemic.

The numbers tell the story: 191,000 private-sector jobs were created in June. A higher percentage of Americans are employed compared to a year ago. And while more people have jobs, they are also getting paid more to do those jobs. The average annual wage gain stands at 3.1 percent, well above the rate of inflation. African Americans, Hispanics and Asians all have lower unemployment rates than a year ago, which means the economy is lifting all Americans regardless of color.

Yet, in California alone, at least 129,000 people were homeless in 2018. Some estimates put the number at well over 150,000 people. The Los Angeles area had a homeless population of nearly 50,000

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