Thursday, June 27, 2019

The 2020 Democratic presidential field is a "clown car" and the candidates have begun a race to the left, according to Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.

The 2020 Democratic presidential field is a "clown car" and the candidates have begun a race to the left, according to Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.

Democrats endorsed policies far outside the mainstream of American politics, Cruz claimed Thursday on "Hannity."

"The debate last night -- the clown car is broken," he claimed.

"There is no brake and it only steers left. It was scary last night. It was scary to see the Democrats -- every one of them -- falling all over each other to get further and further and further left.

"You saw them embrace late-term abortions, you saw them embrace 70 percent tax rate, you saw them embrace socialism. You saw them tell the American people they want to take away everyone's health insurance. And, you saw them embrace open borders."

The Senate Judiciary Committee member pointed to one debate moment he found particularly questionable.

"One of the most disturbing exchanges was when several of those candidates began saying they wanted to eliminate the provision in law that makes it illegal to cross the border," he said.

"As you know, last month, we apprehended over 144,000 people in the month of May crossing illegally. The Democratic solution is 'let's not make it a crime.' ... That is open borders. It is irresponsible, and it is sadly where the Democratic Party is today."

One Democrat in the 2020 field, onetime Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julian Castro, pushed back against conservatives who are claiming he is advocating for an open-borders approach.






Twitter: @henrygrullon4

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