Thursday, June 20, 2019

PART 4 County clerk sues Cuomo over illegal immigrants driver’s license law, - NYS Drivers License to Illegals , Loophole in law granting illegal immigrants driver’s licenses could lead to voter fraud

County clerk sues Cuomo over illegal immigrants driver’s license law






Twitter: @henrygrullon4

Loophole in law granting illegal immigrants driver’s licenses could lead to voter fraud

PART 3 - loophole in the new law granting driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants could allow hundreds of thousands of people to fraudulently register to vote in New York, according to critics, the state Board of Elections and the bill’s own sponsor.

“[A] major concern is that many states, including New York, use their DMVs to enroll voters. 
Since New York does not have voter-identification laws like the majority of other states do, this bill increases the potential for voter fraud,” state Sen. Republican Minority Leader John Flanagan (R–Suffolk) said Tuesday.
“This means that New York will soon have the most radical, open-ended law in the entire nation.”
The Green Light Bill, which passed the Senate 33-29 Monday and was signed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, allows illegal immigrants to obtain “standard” state driver’s licenses that can be used for identification and to board domestic flights.
But it is also the sole document required to register to vote, according to officials.
Even legislative sponsor Luis Sepúlveda (D-Bronx) admitted the provision could be abused.
“Theoretically, they could have the ability to vote,” he said while arguing for the bill during a Monday hearing in Albany.
Voters need only provide a driver’s license number to register to vote, according to BOE spokesman John Conklin.
“If you have a driver’s license number, you basically stop there,” Conklin told The Post Tuesday of the vetting process.
Registrants are required to check a box swearing they are eligible to vote in the US, but “it’s basically an honor system,” he said.

Anyone who fraudulently fills out a voter form is subject to state fines of up to $5,000 and four years in prison — as well as potential removal from the country by the feds, BOE reps said.

PART 2 - NYS GOV Cuomo signs highly controversial Bill allowing illegal immigrants obtain NYS Drivers License

PART 2 - Upstate NY clerks refuse to grant illegal immigrants driver’s licenses


 Upstate NY clerks refuse to grant illegal immigrants driver’s licenses
Loophole in law granting illegal immigrants driver’s licenses could lead to voter fraud
The new law will provide illegal immigrants without a social security number to use foreign documents (such as passports) to obtain New York state driver's licenses.
Twelve other states currently permit driver's licenses for illegal immigrants.
 JUST GOT A REPORT from NY State friends where their insurance company is raising their insurance to about $6,000 a year when they have a clean, clean driver's record, because of this, my friends are flipping.

On Monday, Rensselaer County Clerk Frank Merola told WRGB-TV, "My approach is we're not going to give these licenses to illegal immigrants. People have already violated this law by breaking into this country and we view this bill as kind of waiving all that."
Backus, a Republican, said in his letter to Trump that the driver’s license bill passed by the state Legislature this week brings into conflict the oath he has taken to uphold both the U.S. Constitution and New York Constitution.

Senate Bill S5527 

2019-2020 Legislative Session
Authorizes the governor to remove a county clerk from office for failing to process drivers' licenses submitted by undocumented immigrants

loophole in the new law granting driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants could allow hundreds of thousands of people to fraudulently register to vote in New York, according to critics, the state Board of Elections and the bill’s own sponsor.
“[A] major concern is that many states, including New York, use their DMVs to enroll voters. Since New York does not have voter-identification laws like the majority of other states do, this bill increases the potential for voter fraud,” state Sen. Republican Minority Leader John Flanagan (R–Suffolk) said Tuesday.
“This means that New York will soon have the most radical, open-ended law in the entire nationThe Green Light Bill, which passed the Senate 33-29 Monday and was signed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, allows illegal immigrants to obtain “standard” state driver’s licenses that can be used for identification and to board domestic flights.

Upstate NY clerks refuse to grant illegal immigrants driver’s licenses

The new law will provide illegal immigrants without a social security number to use foreign documents (such as passports) to obtain New York state driver's licenses.
Twelve other states currently permit driver's licenses for illegal immigrants.
This legislation I believe circumvents federal immigration laws and should be reviewed at the highest levels of the government,” Backus wrote.
He asked the president to seek a Justice Department opinion of whether the legislation should be challenged in federal court before the New York law becomes effective Dec. 14.

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