Saturday, June 22, 2019

Public schools across America are being inundated with pro-LGBT, pro-abortion, and oftentimes educational material that comes, in some cases, directly from Planned Parenthood. What used to be safe places for children to receive an education are now liberal indoctrination hot spots aimed at destroying the souls of our children.

Public schools across America are being inundated with pro-LGBT, pro-abortion, and oftentimes educational material that comes, in some cases, directly from Planned Parenthood. What used to be safe places for children to receive an education are now liberal indoctrination hot spots aimed at destroying the souls of our children.

It is up to the parents to stand up and defend the innocent minds of our children and n California, the parent-led Anaheim chapter of MassResistance group has done exactly that.

The group has inspiringly been successful at having Planned Parenthood entirely removed from their school district. This is an awesome accomplishment, especially in the liberal hotbed of California. It didn’t come easy though; much effort was required of these concerned parents, but, since they were up for the task, they proved to us that if we stand up and speak out we CAN make a difference and influence our communities for good.

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