Saturday, December 28, 2019

Overall, costs associated with illegal immigrants is much higher for state and local governments than the federal government.  

FAIR’s data also includes the offset of taxes paid by illegal immigrants, though the numbers are much lower. In the state and local column, they are $3.5 billion. 

States pay $89 billion, Uncle Sam $46 billion.


The states paying the most to care for illegals: 
1. California - $23,038,125,353 (BILLION)
    (2.2 Million  est ILLEGALS IN STATE)

2. Texas - $10,994,614,550 (BILLION)
    ( 1.6 million est. ILLEGALS IN STATE)
3. New York - $7,489,141,357 (BILLION)
    (725,000 est. ILLEGALS IN STATE)
4. Florida - $6,290,429,108 (BILLION)
    (775,000 est. ILLEGALS IN STATE)
5. New Jersey - $4,466,838,574 
6. Illinois - $3,220,767,517 
7. Georgia - $2,487,719,503 
8. North Carolina - $2,437,965,113 
9. Maryland - $2,378,996,947 
10. Arizona - $2,314,131,964

In June 2019, there were 60,849 homeless people, including 14,589 homeless families with 21,295 homeless children, sleeping each night in the New York City municipal shelter system. Families make up nearly three-quarters of the homeless shelter population.

When we hear AMERICA FIRST!!!!!

New Yorkers entered the city's affordable housing lotteries 4,654,603 times last year. Only 7,857 "won" the right to an apartment with below-market rent.

City Relaxing Requirements for Undocumented to Enter Affordable Housing Lottery
By Michael Herzenberg New York City 
PUBLISHED 7:36 AM ET Aug. 21, 2019 UPDATED 9:44 PM ET Aug. 21, 2019

The de Blasio administration is easing requirements to enter the city's lotteries for affordable housing. With the changes, many more undocumented immigrants will be eligible to land one of the hard-to-get apartments, which are subsidized by city taxpayers.
Every adult member of a household needs to enter their Social Security number or tax ID number for a family to enter the affordable housing lottery. Now, you won't need either for any member of your family
This is being done to eliminate the need for a credit check and, according to the de Blasio administration, make entering the lottery more fair

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