Tuesday, July 23, 2019

ABORTION - LATE TERM, In New York alone, more than 2,600 abortions were done in one year on babies older than 21 weeks and more than 1,000 late-term abortions were done on babies in Georgia

H.R.784 - Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act116th Congress (2019-2020)

H.R.784 — 116th Congress (2019-2020)Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection ActSponsor: Rep. Smith, Christopher H. [R-NJ-4] (Introduced 01/24/2019) Cosponsors: (167Committees: House - Judiciary Latest Action:  House - 03/05/2019 Referred to the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties. (All ActionsTracker: INTRODUCED 

Introduced in House (01/24/2019)

Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
This bill establishes a new criminal offense for performing or attempting to perform an abortion if the probable post-fertilization age of the fetus is 20 weeks or more. 
A violator is subject to criminal penalties—a fine, a prison term of up to five years, or both. 
The bill provides exceptions for an abortion (1) that is necessary to save the life of the pregnant woman, or (2) when the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest. A physician who performs or attempts to perform an abortion under an exception must comply with specified requirements. 
A woman who undergoes a prohibited abortion may not be prosecuted for violating or conspiring to violate the provisions of this bill.

S.160 — 116th Congress (2019-2020)Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection ActSponsor: Sen. Graham, Lindsey [R-SC] (Introduced 01/16/2019) Cosponsors: (46Committees: Senate - Judiciary Latest Action:  Senate - 04/09/2019 Committee on the Judiciary. Hearings held. (All ActionsTracker: INTRODUCED 

The abortion rate in the United States fell to its lowest level since the historic Roe v. WadeSupreme Court decision legalized abortion nationwide, a new report finds.
The report by the Guttmacher Institute, a research group that supports legalized abortion, puts the rate at 14.6 abortions per 1,000 women of childbearing age (ages 15-44) in 2014. That's the lowest recorded rate since the Roe decision in 1973. The abortion rate has been declining for decades — down from a peak of 29.3 in 1980 and 1981.
The report also finds that in 2013, the total number of abortions nationwide fell below 1 million for the first time since the mid-1970s. In 2014 — the most recent year with data available — the number fell a bit more, to 926,200. The overall number had peaked at more than 1.6 million abortions in 1990, according to Guttmacher.

You Can’t Give a Lethal Injection to Murderers in New York, But You Can Give One to an Unborn Baby

STEVEN ERTELT   JAN 24, 2019   |   12:02PM    WASHINGTON, DC

In New York alone, more than 2,600 abortions were done in one year on babies older than 21 weeks and more than 1,000 late-term abortions were done on babies in Georgia. Hundreds of abortions are done on unborn babies older than 21 weeks in Colorado, Ohio, Washington, New Jersey and Texas, according to the CDC data.

18,000 Babies Die in 3rd-Trimester Abortions Every Year in the United States

Abortion activists say late-term abortions are rare in the United States and only performed in serious medical circumstances. But in doing so, they are denying data and personal accounts from their own sources.

In New York alone, more than 2,600 abortions were done in one year on babies older than 21 weeks and more than 1,000 late-term abortions were done on babies in Georgia. Hundreds of abortions are done on unborn babies older than 21 weeks in Colorado, Ohio, Washington, New Jersey and Texas, according to the CDC data.

Former Planned Parenthood director-turned pro-life advocate Abby Johnson confirmed that late-term abortions “happen regularly” in the U.S.
“Do elective abortions take place through the 9th month of pregnancy? The unfortunate and horrifying answer is yes. We must work to end these barbaric practices and truly care for mothers and their children,” Johnson wrote in a column for the Independent Journal Review.
She continued:
These abortions can be performed for the “life or health” of the mother. What this means is that a late-term abortion can be provided for any reason, as long as the abortionist checks a box on her chart stating it was affecting her “life or health.” No documentation of proof is required.
According to several former late term abortion clinic workers who have come through my organization And Then There Were None, approximately 50% of 3rd trimester abortions are performed on healthy babies. In my own personal experience, we often referred women to late-term abortion providers who were pregnant with healthy babies, but they wanted the abortion because they had either just broken up with the baby’s father, lost their job, or something similar.
The Guttmacher Institute, a pro-abortion research group formerly affiliated with Planned Parenthood, reported 1.3 percent of abortions in 2012 were performed at 21 weeks or later. The percentage may seem small, but, with an estimate 1 million-plus abortions performed that year, 1.3 percent represents thousands of unborn babies’ lives.
Many estimate the number of late-term abortions a year is about 18,000. Research from the CDC corroborates those numbers. According to the Centers for Disease Control, which has a long-standing history of under-reporting the total number of abortions in the United States because it doesn’t get numbers from every state (including the largest state, California), 9,709 abortions were done at 18-20 weeks and 7,325 abortions were done on babies older than 21 weeks.
In New York alone, more than 2,600 abortions were done in one year on babies older than 21 weeks and more than 1,000 late-term abortions were done on babies in Georgia. Hundreds of abortions are done on unborn babies older than 21 weeks in Colorado, Ohio, Washington, New Jersey and Texas, according to the CDC data.
National Right to Life Legislative Director Douglas Johnson has more information on how many abortion clinics do these kinds of abortions:
A 2008 study, “Abortion in the United States: Incidence and Access to Services, 2005,” released by the Guttmacher Institute (which was originally founded as a special affiliate of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, currently the nation’s largest abortion provider) found that, in 2005, there were at least 1,787 abortion providers in the United States. Of the 1,787 providers, the study found that “[t]wenty percent of providers offered abortions after 20 weeks [LMP], and only 8% at 24 weeks [LMP]…” This translates to at least 300 abortion providers who will perform abortions after 20 weeks LMP and around 140 willing to perform abortions at 24 weeks LMP.
Abortion activists and practitioners also have admitted that a majority of late-term abortions are not performed for medical reasons.
Abortion practitioner Martin Haskell, who is credited with inventing the partial-birth abortion method, admitted that most of his patients had late-term abortions for “purely elective” reasons.

Nurse Forced to Assist Abortion: “I Watched in Horror as the Doctor Removed the Baby’s Limbs”

IAN SNIVELY   NOV 9, 2017   |   6:14PM    WASHINGTON, DC

Six Cities Become “Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn” and Ban Killing Babies in Abortions

The Democratic Party: There are not enough African Americans aborted

The Death Penalty is an immoral practice and it should be abolished. I am proud to introduce the Federal Death Penalty Abolition Act of 2019 to take an important step toward a more just American society. Read more about my bill here:

Rep. Espaillat is a strong advocate and introduces a Federal Death penalty Abolition Act but votes for and is a strong advocate for Abortion rights including Late term Abortion, Partial Birth Abortion. He Voted against S.160 - Pain - Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. This would have amended title 18, U.S. Code, to protect pain-capable unborn children, and for other purposes. 

New York: More babies
African-American killed by abortion that born

Let's talk about the black abortion rate
In New York City, thousands of black babies are aborted every year more than live births.

By Jason L. Riley
July 10, 2018 7:01 pm ET

A Pew Research Center survey conducted last year found that 50% of Hispanics, 58% of whites and 62% of blacks now say that abortion should be legal in all or in most cases.

Social scientists are not sure why blacks' attitudes toward abortion have changed.

- One theory is that as more blacks migrated from the deep conservative south and settled in other regions of the country with more liberal views on reproductive rights, their attitudes changed accordingly.

- Another possibility is that people with higher incomes and more education tend to be pro-choice, and since the early 1970s the socioeconomic status of blacks has increased dramatically.

What is not in doubt is the enormous cost that abortion has charged to the post-Roe black population.

In New York City, thousands of black babies are aborted who are born alive every year, and the abortion rate among black mothers is more than three times higher than that of white mothers.

According to a report from the City Health Department published in May, between 2012 and 2016 black mothers ended 136,426 pregnancies and gave birth to 118,127 babies.

In contrast, births far exceeded abortions among whites, Asians and Hispanics.

Nationally, black women end pregnancies at much higher rates than other women as well.

In 2014, 36% of all abortions were performed on black women, which are only 13% of the female population.

The little discussed of "reproductive freedom" is that abortion deaths far exceed those of cancers, violent crime, heart disease, AIDS and accidents.

Racism, poverty and lack of access to medical care are the typical explanations for these disparities.

But black women have much higher abortion rates even after you control your income.

In addition, other low-income ethnic minorities who suffer discrimination, such as Hispanics, abort at rates much closer to white women than black women.

According to New York City’s vital statistics report, the abortion rate reflects the number of reported abortions per 1,000 resident women ages 15-44. NYC has calculated the abortion rate since 2011.

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