Sunday, November 8, 2020



Some days I get so angry, although my family and I know how blessed we were to have a beautiful Graveside Service for my Mom and Dad, we know it was more than many were able to have and will forever be grateful to the people that helped make that happen. 

I will never forget the friends that came knowing they may have to sit in their cars, these friendships are bonds that will always be cherished and never be broken. There were no hugs allowed, you needed to stand 6ft apart, you couldn’t pay your respects or say goodbye in the way we are accustomed to. And then I see this photo and others like it (and I can’t seem to get away from it) I see red, my blood boils. 

We can’t have a Memorial Service until we hope next year unless we want to social distance and wear a mask, yet thousands are aloud to celebrate in Times Square and Brooklyn. How is this fair and how does it make sense???This post is pretty selfish sorry but I could also go on in defense of small businesses, restaurants, churches, schools and even one religious group that I’m sure they find this just as infuriating as I do. 

So tired of this hypocrisy 🤬🤬

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