Friday, November 20, 2020



              AS OF 11/28/20

Straightforward from here:
▶️GOP controls state legislatures in key swing states
▶️Legislatures convinced of fraud; send own/no electors
▶️Biden deprived of 270
▶️State delegations in House re-elect Trump 26-23 

"So the outcome would be to re-elect Donald Trump." 🔻

PA - We’re going to seat the electors.
 Half of the Pennsylvania House and Senate leaders support the move. Republicans control both houses: 29-21 in the Senate and 113-90 in the House of Representatives) 

''So, we’re going to do a resolution between the House and Senate, hopefully today,'' Republican Sen. Doug Mastriano said Friday on ''War Room,'' former White House strategist Steve Bannon’s video podcast.

''I’ve spent two hours online trying to coordinate this with my colleagues. And there’s a lot of good people working this here. Saying that the resolution, saying we’re going to take our power back. We’re going to seat the electors. Now obviously we’re going to need the support of the leadership of the House and Senate. We’re getting there on that.''

Mastriano, 56, a retired U.S. Army colonel who represents the state’s Senate District 33 in the south central counties of Cumberland, Adams, Franklin, and York, said about half of the Pennsylvania House and Senate leaders support the move. Republicans control both houses: 29-21 in the Senate and 113-90 in the House of Representatives.

Read Newsmax: Newsmax - Breaking News | News Videos | Politics, Health, Finance 
Urgent: Do you approve of Pres. Trump’s job performance? Vote Here Now! 

Read Newsmax: Newsmax - Breaking News | News Videos | Politics, Health, Finance 
Urgent: Do you approve of Pres. Trump’s job performance? Vote Here Now! 

President Donald Trump’s legal team suffered yet another defeat in court Friday as a federal appeals court in Philadelphia roundly rejected the campaign's latest effort to challenge the state’s election results.

Trump’s lawyers vowed to appeal to the Supreme Court despite the judges' assessment that the “campaign’s claims have no merit.”

“Free, fair elections are the lifeblood of our democracy. Charges of unfairness are serious. But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here,” 3rd Circuit Judge Stephanos Bibas wrote for the three-judge panel.

The case had been argued last week in a lower court by Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who insisted during five hours of oral arguments that the 2020 presidential election had been marred by widespread fraud in Pennsylvania. However, Giuliani failed to offer any tangible proof of that in court.

U.S. District Judge Matthew Brann had said the campaign's error-filled complaint, “like Frankenstein’s Monster, has been haphazardly stitched together” and denied Giuliani the right to amend it for a second time

Read Newsmax: US Appeals Court Rejects Trump Appeal Over Pennsylvania Race 
Urgent: Do you approve of Pres. Trump’s job performance? Vote Here Now! 

From Newsmax - Pa. Slams Judge's 'Overreach' in Delaying Vote Certification

                  AS OF 11/25/20

There is an "equal protection" constitutional case being made by the Trump campaign that has merits.

  • Legal experts say the cases are weak and likely designed to reinforce a political strategy to undermine Biden rather than win in court. ( OUTCOME DETERMINTIVE)

US Election 2020: when do states certify their election results?

November 20 - Georgia

November 23 - Michigan, Pennsylvania

(Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf and other state officials assailed a Pittsburgh judge for issuing what they described as an unprecedented order halting additional steps in the certification of Joe Biden’s election victory.

“Since the birth of our nation nearly 250 years ago, no court has ever issued an order purporting to interfere with a state’s ascertainment of its presidential electors -- until today,” state officials said in an appeal filed shortly after Commonwealth Court Judge Patricia McCullough’s Wednesday ruling in a lawsuit brought by Pennsylvania Republicans. “There is no conceivable justification for the lower court’s issuance of such an order in this case)

November 24 - Minnesota, North Carolina

November 30 - Arizona

December 1 - Nevada, Wisconsin

(WISCONSIN - Republicans filed a lawsuit Tuesday asking the Wisconsin Supreme Court to block certification of the presidential election results even as a recount over Joe Biden’s apparent win over President Donald Trump is ongoing. The lawsuit echoes many of the same arguments Trump is making in trying, unsuccessfully, to have tens of thousands of ballots discounted during the recount. It also seeks to give the power to name presidential electors to the Republican-controlled Legislature).

Wisconsin state law allows the political parties to pick electors, which was done in October. Once the election results are certified (it's scheduled to be done Dec. 1), those pre-determined electors will cast their ballots for the winner on Dec. 14.

As the certification dates are created by the states themselves there is, in theory, nothing stopping them from missing their own deadlines. 

If that were to happen they would risk forcing Congress to decide whether a slate of electors in legitimate. 

This opens up the possibility that Republican-led state Senates could send Trump electors, in spite of how the state actually voted.

(CNS News) -- 

Conservative radio host Mark Levin criticized media coverage of election fraud lawsuits being brought by the Trump campaign on "The Mark Levin Show" Thursday. 

“There’s a lot of confusion here,” Levin said, noting that the media have changed their narrative from “there’s no fraud” to “there’s not enough fraud to matter.”

Levin attacks the latter point, saying “the quantity of fraud is not the test.”

"You have sworn affidavits by American citizens, also election officials, under penalty of perjury. You didn't have that in the Russia hoax case. You didn't have that in the Stacey Abrams case in Georgia; you've got it up the wazoo here! So the quantity of the affidavits and the seriousness of the affidavits is unparalleled in American history, in American history! The fact of fraud can raise serious, even grave concerns of voter disenfranchisement. That's enough!"

Article One, Article Two, and the 12th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution about contested or contingent elections

This MAY BE headed to the Supreme Court. 

- Where they will rule that the election is invalid due to fraud or errors on a national scale.

It will happen in One or two ways: 

- either they will rule that all Mail In Postal votes are unconstitutional and shall therefore be withdrawn and each state will be ordered to recount without them.

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