Sunday, April 24, 2022

The April War, also known as the Dominican Civil War, the Revolution of ’65, or the April Revolution, was a popular revolution that took place in Santo Domingo 57 years ago, on April 24, 1965.

By: Professor Henry Grullon 
La Guerra de Abril, también conocida como Guerra Civil Dominicana, Revolución del 65 o Revolución de Abril, fue una revolución popular que tuvo lugar en Santo Domingo hace 57 años, el 24 de abril de 1965. 

April War: Why did it arise and who participated in this revolt?

The April War, also known as the Dominican Civil War, the Revolution of ’65, or the April Revolution, was a popular revolution that took place in Santo Domingo 57 years ago, on April 24, 1965.

According to an article on the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD) website, young men and women, civilians and soldiers who were seeking freedom and democracy came together for this struggle.

In this case, to overthrow the government of the triumvirate headed by Donald Reid Cabral and fight against the second North American occupation that took place between 1965 and 1966.

The protesters of the April War wanted Juan Bosch to return to power in conjunction with the 1963 constitution.

Los manifestantes de la Guerra de Abril querían que Juan Bosch volviera al poder junto con la constitución de 1963.

His government was considered legitimate and constitutional during the seven months he was in charge in 1963 before the coup.

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