Sunday, February 16, 2020

ACTION ALERT: TUESDAY 2/25/20 - Two important pro-life bills before the U.S. Senate next Tuesday could save tens of thousands of babies’ lives.


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Senate Will Vote Tuesday on Bills to Stop Infanticide and Ban Killing Babies in Late-Term Abortions

Two important pro-life bills before the U.S. Senate next Tuesday could save tens of thousands of babies’ lives.w

- The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act,  Senate Bill 3275, - - The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, Senate Bill 311, would increase protections for both born and unborn babies who are targeted for abortions.

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Pro-life leaders are urging Americans to contact their U.S. Senators and tell them to vote for both important pieces of pro-life legislation.

The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, sponsored by U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, would prohibit abortions after 20 weeks when strong scientific evidence indicates unborn babies can feel pain.

There are more than 12,000 abortions annually after 20 weeks of pregnancy, according to the Guttmacher Institute, the research arm of the abortion lobby. If passed, the law could save tens of thousands of unborn babies from painful abortion deaths.

ABORTION - LATE TERM, In New York alone, more than 2,600 abortions were done in one year on babies older than 21 weeks and more than 1,000 late-term abortions were done on babies in Georgia

VP Mike Pence: President Trump Has Been “The Most Pro-Life President in American History”

Nancy Pelosi and Democrats Push Bill to Overturn Every Pro-Life Law Saving Babies From Abortions

Imagine knocking out more than 500 pro-life laws in a single shot. It sounds too horrible to be true — except that in this House of radicals, nothing is impossible. When Rep. Judy Chu (D-Calif.) dropped her bill, the ridiculously named Women’s Health Protection Act, it was like loading a deadly missile — aimed at all 50 states.

If Chu and her 215 co-cosponsors ever passed H.R. 2975, it would be the single most devasting vote on the unborn yet, It’s so sweeping, Rep. Greg Walden (R-Ore.) warned, that even the original Roe v. Wade ruling was tame by comparison.

  1. Women’s Health Protection Act
  2. The Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

voters are about to see where Democrats stand on two very fundamental bills
H.R.784 - Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
116th Congress (2019-2020)

H.R.784 — 116th Congress (2019-2020)
Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
Sponsor: Rep. Smith, Christopher H. [R-NJ-4] (Introduced 01/24/2019) Cosponsors: (167
Committees: House - Judiciary 
Latest Action:  House - 03/05/2019 Referred to the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties. (All Actions

Introduced in House (01/24/2019)
Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

This bill establishes a new criminal offense for performing or attempting to perform an abortion if the probable post-fertilization age of the fetus is 20 weeks or more. 
A violator is subject to criminal penalties—a fine, a prison term of up to five years, or both. 
The bill provides exceptions for an abortion (1) that is necessary to save the life of the pregnant woman, or (2) when the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest. A physician who performs or attempts to perform an abortion under an exception must comply with specified requirements. 
A woman who undergoes a prohibited abortion may not be prosecuted for violating or conspiring to violate the provisions of this bill.

S.160 — 116th Congress (2019-2020)
Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
Sponsor: Sen. Graham, Lindsey [R-SC] (Introduced 01/16/2019) Cosponsors: (46
Committees: Senate - Judiciary 
Latest Action:  Senate - 04/09/2019 Committee on the Judiciary. Hearings held. (All Actions

1. H.R.962 — 116th Congress (2019-2020)Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection ActSponsor: Rep. Wagner, Ann [R-MO-2] (Introduced 02/05/2019) Cosponsors: (192Committees: House - Judiciary Latest Action:  House - 03/22/2019 Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security. (All ActionsTracker: 
2. S.130 — 116th Congress (2019-2020)Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection ActSponsor: Sen. Sasse, Ben [R-NE] (Introduced 01/15/2019) Cosponsors: (49Committees: Senate - Judiciary Latest Action:  Senate - 02/11/2020 Committee on the Judiciary. Hearings held. (All ActionsTracker: 

In New York alone, more than 2,600 abortions were done in one year on babies older than 21 weeks and more than 1,000 late-term abortions were done on babies in Georgia. Hundreds of abortions are done on unborn babies older than 21 weeks in Colorado, Ohio, Washington, New Jersey and Texas, according to the CDC data.

18,000 Babies Die in 3rd-Trimester Abortions Every Year in the United States

Abortion activists say late-term abortions are rare in the United States and only performed in serious medical circumstances. But in doing so, they are denying data and personal accounts from their own sources.

In New York alone, more than 2,600 abortions were done in one year on babies older than 21 weeks and more than 1,000 late-term abortions were done on babies in Georgia. Hundreds of abortions are done on unborn babies older than 21 weeks in Colorado, Ohio, Washington, New Jersey and Texas, according to the CDC data.

Former Planned Parenthood director-turned pro-life advocate Abby Johnson confirmed that late-term abortions “happen regularly” in the U.S.
“Do elective abortions take place through the 9th month of pregnancy? The unfortunate and horrifying answer is yes. We must work to end these barbaric practices and truly care for mothers and their children,” Johnson wrote in a column for the Independent Journal Review.

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