Sunday, January 26, 2020


AS OF 2/7/20

The coronavirus has killed at least 600 people and infected more than 31,000+. 
The total number of cases in the U.S. was 12 as of Thursday morning, in six different states, but the outbreak is still focused largely in central China. 

In accordance with the declaration, beginning at 5:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time; Sunday, February the 2nd, the United States government will implement temporary measures to increase our abilities to detect and contain the coronavirus proactively and aggressively.  Any U.S. citizen returning to the United States who has been in Hubei Province in the previous 14 days will be subject to up to 14 days of mandatory quarantine to ensure they are they are provided proper medical care and health screening.

To be clear, this applies only to U.S. citizens who have been in Hubei Province in the past 14 days prior to their attempted entry into the United States.
Any U.S. citizen returning to the United States who has been in the rest of Mainland China within the previous 14 days will undergo proactive entry health screening at a select number of ports of entry and up to 14 days of monitored self-quarantine to ensure they’ve not contracted the virus and do not pose a public health risk.
Additionally, the President has signed a presidential proclamation, using his authority pursuant to Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, temporarily suspending the entry into the United States of foreign nationals who pose a risk of transmitting the 2019 novel coronavirus.
As a result, foreign nationals, other than immediate family of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, who have traveled in China within the last 14 days will be denied entry into the United States for this time.

Once again, these actions will become effective at 5:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time; Sunday, February 2nd.  These prudent, targeted, and temporary actions will decrease the pressure on public health officials screening incoming travelers, expedite the processing of U.S. citizens and permanent residents returning from China, and ensure resources are focused on the health and safety of the American people.
I want to stress: The risk of infection for Americans remains low.  And with these and our previous actions, we are working to keep the risk low.  All agencies are working aggressively to monitor this continually evolving situation and to keep the public informed in a constantly transparent way.
The United States appreciates China’s efforts and coordination with public health officials across the globe, and continues to encourage the highest levels of transparency.

Whistleblower Doctor Who First Exposed Coronavirus Outbreak Dies After Contracting Virus

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Overflowing Hospitals, Medical Shortages, Tragic Deaths in Virus-Struck Wuhan

For the latest US and political news download The Epoch Times app now!

"That number is far too low," Gordon Chang, author of the book "The Coming Collapse of China," said Monday on "Tucker Carlson Tonight."

CDC confirms more of The #NCOV2019 infections in California in total it has risen to 11 in the #USA 
Meantime death toll in china is rising towards 400 as infected reach 17000...



The woman’s case marks the ninth overall confirmed in the United States. As of Sunday, there have been two others in California, one in Arizona, one in Washington state, one in Massachusetts and two in Illinois. 

Defense Secretary Mark Esper approved a request from Health and Human Services officials Saturday, designated each facility to house up to 250 Americans in individual rooms until Feb. 29, as a precaution to prevent the spread of the novel respiratory illness. 

On Friday, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention placed 196 people under mandatory quarantine at the March Air Reserve Base in Riverside County, Calif. The group had been evacuated from Wuhan to the southern California base earlier in the week. The CDC had not ordered a mandatory quarantine in more than 50 years, the Times reported. 

Beginning Sunday, all U.S. bound flights from China will be funneled to seven major airports where passengers will undergo medical screenings for possible signs of the coronavirus. The Trump administration said anyone who had traveled to China’s Hubei province within the past 14 days will be placed under a mandatory two-week quarantine upon entering the U.S.

In the past few weeks, the viral pneumonia has quickly spread from Wuhan City, Hubei Province, where the disease first broke out, to all of China and more than 20 countries and regions. Official figures report more than ten thousand confirmed cases, but Wuhan residents say that the true scale of the outbreak is far worse than what authorities described.

The city, which has 8.29 million residents according to the latest official statistics, shut down its public transportation system on Feb. 1.

Canadian Department of Health Bulletin : Pls tell ur families, relatives and friends   The Upper Respiratory Infection affecting China at present is quite serious. The virus causing it is very potent and is resistant to existing antibiotics.  (virus is not bacterial infection hence cannot be treated by antibiotics).  

The prevention method now is to keep your throat moist, do not let your throat dry up. Thus do not hold your thirst because once your membrane in your throat is dried, the virus will invade into your body within 10 mins. 
Drink 50-80cc warm water, 30-50cc for kids, according to age. Everytime you feel your throat is dry, do not wait, keep water in hand. Do not drink plenty at one time as it does not help; instead, continue to keep throat moist. 

Till end of March, do not go to crowded places, wear mask as needed especially in train or public transportation.  
Avoid fried or spicy food and load up vitamin C.  The symptoms/ description are:  
1. Repeated high fever. 
2. Prolonged coughing after fever. 
3. Children are more prone. 
4. Adults usually feel uneasy, headache and mainly respiratory related illness.  

This illness is highly contagious. Let's continue to pray and wait for further notice about the infection.  

Please share.

The first person in New York City to undergo testing for the novel coronavirus is being treated in Bellevue Hospital, the city’s health commissioner said Saturday.
The person, who is under 40, fell ill with a fever, cough and shortness of breath — telltale signs of the illness — after returning from China and went to see a doctor, Dr. Oxiris Barbot said in a statement.
Testing showed the person didn’t have the flu or a cold virus, so a test for the coronavirus was done.
The fact that the person is being tested shows the system the city put in place to handle the outbreak is working, Barbot said.
“This is exactly what we prepared for and we thank everyone for taking all the right steps,” Barbot said.

This is the 12th possible case in New York state. Eight of those tests have come back negative, and three are still pending, Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s office said Saturday.
The possible New York City case comes after the eighth U.S. case was identified in Massachusettslate Friday.

Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Saturday approved Department of Defense (DoD) housing at four military bases for 1,000 people who may have to be quarantined as a result of the coronavirus, following the appearance of the eighth confirmed case of the disease in the U.S.

"[Secretary Esper] has approved an RFA [request for application] from #HHS [Health and Human Services] for housing support for 1,000 people who may need to be quarantined upon arrival from overseas travel due to the novel #coronoravirus," he said. "Under the request, DOD will only provide housing support."

Coronavirus: The virus has claimed the lives of at least 259 people DEAD. As of Thursday 12,000 fresh cases pop up in countries across the World.




Locations with Confirmed 2019-nCoV Cases
Hong Kong
The Republic of Korea
United States 🇺🇸 - 4 cases as of 1/26/20



Coronavirus: Viral outbreak kills 56, sickens nearly 2,000 as fresh cases pop up in countries across the world

#Wuhan resident Chen Min, 65, died within 10 days of developing fever, cough. Docs never tested her for #coronavirus. She's not incl in official govt count of 56 dead & suggests scale of problem is *far* greater than #China has acknowledged @Telegraph
- Freelance Investigative  Reporter Mike Cohen

UPDATE - Bat Eater Fever
A NOTE/Post of an epidemiologist, who is deeply worried about this new coronavirus outbreak.
1) the virus has an upward infection trajectory curve much steeper than SARS.
2) it can be transmitted person to person before symptoms appear
— I.e. it is silently contagious

Small note: While there were reports of SARS having 0.49 after containment started, a WHO cited experts who said SARS had initial R0 of 2.9 then 2.0-3.5, which which fell to 0.4 after quarantine. But SARS is more symptomatic than this Wuhan virus.

HOLY MOTHER OF GOD - the new coronavirus is a 3.8!!!

The expert says 'How bad is that reproductive R0 value? It is thermonuclear pandemic level bad - never seen an actual virality coefficient outside of Twitter in my entire career. I’m not exaggerating...' #WuhanCoronovirus #CoronavirusOutbreak

 12/ What is the typical R0 attack rate for the seasonal flu in most years? It’s around an R0=1.28. The 2009 flu pandemic? R0=1.48. The 1918 Spanish Flu? 1.80. This new #WuhanCoronavirus reproductive value again? R0=3.8.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Tear Gas Fired at Puerto Rico Protesters Amid Calls for Governor’s Resignation

Tear Gas Fired at Puerto Rico Protesters Amid Calls for Governor’s Resignation


Discovery of Unused Disaster Supplies Angers Puerto Rico

With anger spreading in the U.S. territory after video of the event in Ponce appeared on Facebook, Gov. Wanda Vázquez quickly fired the director of the island's emergency management agency

Trump administration ending delay on over $8B in Puerto Rico disaster aid

The Trump administration is ending a months-long hold of more than $8 billion in disaster aid relief Congress appropriated for Puerto Rico, a senior Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) official confirmed early Wednesday. 
HUD has been authorized to administer nearly $20 billion to the island's hurricane relief efforts through its community development block grant (CDBG)

The money is intended to help Puerto Rico respond to the devastating hurricanes that ravaged it in 2017. But Politico, which first reported the administration's decision, noted that the island has so far only received $1.5 billion. 
Puerto Rico will be able to access the funds once HUD publishes a Federal Register notice on how it plans to distribute another $8.2 billion, according to the news outlet. The move is reportedly set to come about four months past the deadline. HUD said that the delay stemmed from an effort to ensure proper safeguards were in place for the apportioned funds.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Actualizado a partir del 01/17/20

Denuncia irregularidades en elecciones Instituto Duarteano en NY 

El candidato a diputado ultramar por el partido Dominicanos por el Cambio denunció varias irregularidades en las votaciones realizadas ayer en el Instituto Duarteano de Nueva York en las cuales la plancha Ramfista-Peledeista resultó ganadora.
En el certamen se violá on los estatutos y se permitió que la comisión electoral dirigiera las votaciones contrarió a lo que establecen los estatutos.

También fueron objetados viejos miembros por considerar opositores al actual presidente.
El actual presidente quien se ha negado a entregar sus memorias impidiendo que los miembros conozcan el destino que se le ha dado a los fondos recaudados por la institución durante el período de su gestión.

El instituto recibe pago de membresía,ayudas,aportaciones y realiza una cena anual en la que recibe más de $30,000,000.
Varios miembros de esa organización se están agrupando para llevar el caso a los tribunales por considerar un acto de corrupción del presidente quien es miembro del equipo electoral de Gonzalo Castillo y promueve la unidad de Ramfis con el PLD. ‬

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

“A strong CAIR equals a strong community. A strong community will produce a strong and confident and successful Muslim … “So I’m telling you tonight we are going to work in the next years, inshallah (God willing], to elect at least 30 Muslims in the Congress.

Below is the full context of Awad’s statement:
“A strong CAIR equals a strong community. A strong community will produce a strong and confident and successful Muslim … “So I’m telling you tonight we are going to work in the next years, inshallah (God willing], to elect at least 30 Muslims in the Congress. This number is equivalent to our size and our potential as American Muslims. Including at least two [U.S.] senator Muslims.”

 Islamic Terrorist Organization Aims to Install 30 Members of Congress
He shall be a wild ass of a man; His hand against everyone, And everyone’s hand against him Genesis 16:12 (The Israel Bible™)

Below is the full context of Awad’s statement:
“A strong CAIR equals a strong community. A strong community will produce a strong and confident and successful Muslim … “So I’m telling you tonight we are going to work in the next years, inshallah (God willing], to elect at least 30 Muslims in the Congress. This number is equivalent to our size and our potential as American Muslims. Including at least two [U.S.] senator Muslims.”

Sunday, January 12, 2020

El Ex.Presidente ASEDIADO Miguel Estrella y su banda acaba de RECIBÍ en entregar UN OFICIAL DESASOCIAR POR INSTITUTO SUPERIOR DUARTIANO EN R.D.

He investigado y descubierto irregularidades graves con respecto al estado sin fines de lucro del IRS 503 (c) (3). La última vez que actualizaron el estado fue 2015.

Me he encontrado con otro
Las bases de la "Organización Dominicana" en Nueva York que también se mezclan en esta presentación de estado sin fines de lucro. Me gustaría ver una auditoría de este Instituto.

Uno de mis videos también muestra una prueba clara de que el ex presidente Miguel Estrella acosó sexualmente a Diasy Cabrera.

Recuerde, el RD Instituto Duartiano puede no supervisar oficialmente el Instituto Duartiano NY PERO una muestra de respeto es importante. Ahora el Instituto Duartiano RD ha desautorizado al Instituto Duartiano NY. Que desastre !

¿Por qué el IRS 503 (c) (3) no tiene estado de lucro actualizado? Los registros reflejan 2015 como la última fecha.
El Instituto Duartiano está registrado en NYS Corporation como un estado sin fines de lucro.

Denuncia irregularidades en elecciones Instituto Duarteano en NY 

¿Por qué los líderes de este Instituto guardan silencio sobre Miguel Estrella apoyando abiertamente el COMUNISMO?

El controvertido presidente Miguel Estrella declara que el Instituto Duartiano Estados Unidos es una entidad separada que el Instituto Duartiano RD


1. El proceso electoral y las nominaciones debe hacerse en el mes de octubre, se hizo en diciembre. 

2. La comision electoral compuesta por Rafael Osoria, Rosa Rodriguez e Yvette Sanchez no debieron estar en el salon de votacion. 

3. Rosa Rodriguez le indico a Elvis Portes votar por Rafaela Martino observado por Daisy Cabrera.

4. Personas no miembro del Instituto estaban infuenciando los votantes en el pasillo. 

5. Las elecciones debe ser dirigida por un jurado de tres personas que no pertenezca a la institucion, solo habia uno Miguel Espaillat. 

6. El voto debe ser directo y secreto, las boletas estaban numeradas.

7. Despues que la plancha Los Hijos de Duarte entrego la plancha, agrego otras personas.

8. Investigar un votante que voto sin pagar su cuota.

9. Miguel Estrella le entrego un recibo de deposito de cuotas a Juana Carpio finanza sin detalles a cuales miembros se le aplicarian esos pagos.

10. Plancha Dios, Patria y Libertad no recibio copia de las boletas y lista de votantes de las elecciones enero 12, 2020.

11. Daisy Cabrera solicito al señor Rafael Osoria copia de documentos y no se le entrego.

12. Nuevos miembros juramentados por Miguel Estrella en los ultimos meses, quienes fueron el 95% de los 40 votos de la plancha Los Hijos de Duarte integrada por Rafaela Martino y Miguel Estrella no pagaron los $25.00 dolares de inscripcion como dice en los estatutos. 

13. Cuando se eligio a Miguel Estrella presidente y Rafaela Martino vice presidente hace 2 años se le permitio a los miembros pagar su cuota el mismo dia de las elecciones, en las eleccion enero 12, 2020 no se permitio. Miembros que pagaron el dia antes de las elecciones no se le permitio votar.
Daisy Cabrera, candidata Vice- Presidente 2020

Por su parte, el delegado de la plancha de Lara Flores, Juan L. Jimenez dijo que a pesar de que reconoce que Rafael Martino obtuvo 40 votos y que gano las elecciones, no obstante, denuncio que esos comicios estuvieron plagados de irregularidades y de violaciones a los estatutos de la entidad.

Jimenez objeto que la plancha ganadora tiene en integrantes que no reunen los requisitos de los estatutos para ser candidatos, tras indicar que la esposa del senor Miguel Estrella no podia ser candidata ni tampoco el como presidente actual debio ser candidato a secretario general porque ello viola el articulo 22 de las normas estatutarias que solo lo admite como asesor.

Asimismo acuso al licenciado  Estrella, actual presidente del Instituto Duartiano de secuestrar el listado de votantes y de haberse negado a entregarlo el 1ro de Octubre a la Comision Electoral y no faltando pocos dias para las elecciones.

El candidato a diputado ultramar por el partido Dominicanos por el Cambio denunció varias irregularidades en las votaciones realizadas ayer en el Instituto Duarteano de Nueva York en las cuales la plancha Ramfista-Peledeista resultó ganadora.
En el certamen se violá on los estatutos y se permitió que la comisión electoral dirigiera las votaciones contrarió a lo que establecen los estatutos.

El IRS lo pasaría en grande mirando el formulario 990/501 (c) del instituto que presenta en 2018 para ver cómo se manejan las finanzas ...

También fueron objetados viejos miembros por considerar opositores al actual presidente.
El actual presidente quien se ha negado a entregar sus memorias impidiendo que los miembros conozcan el destino que se le ha dado a los fondos recaudados por la institución durante el período de su gestión.

El instituto recibe pago de membresía,ayudas,aportaciones y realiza una cena anual en la que recibe más de $30,000,000.
Varios miembros de esa organización se están agrupando para llevar el caso a los tribunales por considerar un acto de corrupción del presidente quien es miembro del equipo electoral de Gonzalo Castillo y promueve la unidad de Ramfis con el PLD. ‬

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The 7 big Supreme Court cases to watch in 2020

The Supreme Court will hear a slate of highly charged disputes when the justices return to the bench in the new year and resume one of the most politically volatile terms in recent memory.
Since the term opened in October, the court has heard high-profile fights 
- over LGBT rights in the workplace, 
- the scope of the Second Amendment and the deportation status of nearly 700,000 young undocumented immigrants.
The remaining cases on the court’s docket are no less explosive. 
The justices will confront novel separation of powers questions, including whether to release President Trump’s financial records to investigators. 
- They will be asked to draw new lines between church and state. 
- And for the first time since Trump’s two nominees joined the court, the justices will hear a case on abortion.
Here are some of the hot-button arguments awaiting the Supreme Court in 2020.

 1. Trump's financial records 
This landmark separation of powers fight involves three separate efforts by House Democrats and New York state prosecutors to obtain years of Trump’s financial records and tax returns.
The House Oversight and Reform Committee subpoenaed Trump's accounting firm, Mazars USA, for personal and corporate records. Separately, the House Financial Services and Intelligence committees requested financial records housed at Deutsche Bank and Capital One. Manhattan prosecutors have also subpoenaed Mazars for Trump’s tax returns and other documents from 2011 to 2018.
A blockbuster ruling on the extent of presidential immunity in the face of congressional oversight and state prosecutorial power is expected before July, just months ahead of Election Day. The cases will be heard in March or early April. 
Trump has fought efforts to disclose any of his financial records or tax returns and is the first president in decades to not make his returns public.
2. Louisiana's abortion law 
The justices will hear a challenge to a Louisiana law requiring that abortion-performing doctors have the right to admit patients to a local hospital in what will be the first abortion case before the court since President Trump’s two nominees took the bench.
In 2016, the court struck down a similar Texas law 5-3, with Justice Anthony Kennedy voting alongside the court’s reliably liberal bloc. But Kennedy has since retired, and with the additions of Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, the court now tilts more conservative. That shift has abortion rights advocates worried.
The justices previously found the Texas law placed an “undue burden” on women seeking abortion. Many will be watching to see if the newly composed court hews to precedent or takes a different direction when arguments over the Louisiana law are heard March 4.  
3. Religious school scholarships 
In a case with potentially broad implications for church-state relations, the justices will review a decision by the Montana Supreme Court to invalidate a scholarship program that could have benefited religious schools.
The state’s top court struck down the program after finding it ran afoul of a Montana constitutional provision that bans state tax dollars from funding sectarian schools, prompting several Montana parents to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.
The question before the justices is whether that decision violates the religion or equal protection clauses of the U.S. Constitution by excluding religious schools from a general student aid program. The case, Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, will be heard Jan. 22.
 4. Religious exemptions from discrimination suits
In another religious liberty case, the justices are being asked to resolve whether two Catholic schools are exempt from employment discrimination suits brought by former teachers.
The schools claim immunity under the so-called ministerial exception. This First Amendment principle bars lawsuits by workers who are considered “ministers” due to the religious nature of their work. For their part, the former teachers say there were religious aspects to their jobs but that they should not be considered ministers. 
The pair of cases, which pit the U.S. Constitution's safeguards for free expression of religion against legal protections for workers, have not yet been scheduled for argument.
 5. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
One of the most consequential questions the Supreme Court is facing this term is whether the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is constitutional. The independent agency has been a target of Republicans ever since it was created in 2011 by Dodd-Frank in the wake of the financial crisis, and now the regulator could be on the conservative majority’s chopping block.
The CFPB was designed to operate with an unusual level of independence for a government agency, having a single director appointed by the president who’s subject to Senate confirmation and can be fired only by the chief executive under certain circumstances. That structure will be the focus when the case is argued on March 3.
The Department of Justice is refusing to defend the CFPB in the case, so the court appointed Paul Clement, a former Republican solicitor general and acting attorney general, to advocate for an agency that the GOP has been eager to demolish for nearly a decade.

6. Google v. Oracle
The court will wade into the long-running battle between tech giants Google and Oracle over what constitutes fair use in internet copyright law. The case began nearly a decade ago, when Oracle accused Google of illegally copying thousands of lines of code for use in the search giant’s Android operating system. Google has argued that the code in its software interfaces are key to making different programs able to communicate with each other.
“The questions presented in this case are of critical importance to the computer software industry, one of the principal drivers of the nation’s economy,” Google wrote in a filing to the court. “Because new software builds on components of existing software, innovation in this field largely depends on how copyright law treats software interfaces, the essential building blocks of software development.”
The Supreme Court agreed to hear the case after a federal appeals court last year reversed Google’s victory in a jury trial. The Trump administration has sided with Oracle, while many tech companies have backed Google. The court has not yet set a date for arguments.
 7. Bridgegate and public corruption
On Jan. 14, the court will hear arguments over an appeal from Bridget Anne Kelly, who served as deputy chief of staff to former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), of her conviction for her role in the infamous Bridgegate scandal. In Bridgegate, the governor’s allies allegedly colluded to close traffic toll lanes to create problems for one of Christie’s political rivals.
Kelly was sentenced to 18 months in prison for her role in the alleged scheme, but the question that her appeal has brought to the Supreme Court could have far-reaching consequences. The justices are being asked to decide if a public official lying about their motive for an official action violates federal corruption laws. The court has in recent years narrowed such corruption laws, making it harder for prosecutors to prove charges of bribery in cases against government officials. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) weighed in on the case last month with an amicus brief urging the court to reverse that trend.
“Unfortunately, a jurisprudence has emerged at the Supreme Court that dramatically narrowed the definition of corruption in the criminal law, limiting how the public through juries can hold its elected officials accountable,” Whitehouse wrote.